Jumat, 25 Maret 2016

The Imitation of Christ [#5]



The Fifth Chapter

Truth, not eloquence, is to be sought in reading the Holy Scriptures; and every part must be read in the spirit in which it was written. For in the Scriptures we ought to seek profit rather than polished diction.
   Likewise, we ought to read simple and devout books as willingly as learned and profound ones. We ought not to be swayed by the authority of the writer, whether he be a great literary light or an insignificant person, but by the love of simple truth. We ought not to ask who is speaking, but mark what is said. Man pass away, but the truth of the Lord remains forever. God speaks to us in many ways without regard for persons.
   Our curiosity often impedes our reading of the Scriptures, when we wish to understand and mull over what we ought simply to read and pass by.
   If you would profit from it, therefore, read with humility, simplicity, and faith, and never seek a reputation for being learned. Seek willingly and listen attentively to the words of the saints; do not be displeased with the sayings of the ancients, for they were not made without purpose.

Source: A Kempis, Thomas. "The Imitation of Christ". Translated by Aloysius Croft and Harold Bolton. Dover Publications, Inc. 2003.

Kata-kata Bijak Para Bapa Padang Gurun [#13]

Kata-kata Bijak
Para Bapa Padang Gurun
dari Abad IV

Apophthegmata Patrum

     Seorang saudara pergi ke Abbas Musa di Skete, dan meminta kata-kata yang berguna kepadanya. Orang tua itu berkata kepadanya: "Pergilah, duduklah di dalam selmu, maka selmu akan mengajarkan segala sesuatu kepadamu."
Abbas Musa dari Ethiopia
Source: Merton, Thomas. "The Wisdom of the Desert: Sayings from the Desert Fathers of Fourth Century." Translated by OCSO Gedono, 2006.

Kata-kata Bijak Para Bapa Padang Gurun [#12]

Kata-kata Bijak
Para Bapa Padang Gurun
dari Abad IV

Apophthegmata Patrum

     Abbas Arsenius ketika masih berdiam di istana raja berdoa kepada Tuhan katanya: "Tuhan bimbinglah aku pada keselamatan." Dan datanglah suara yang berkata kepadanya: "Arsenius, pergilah segera dari orang-orang ini dan kamu akan selamat." Dan waktu sedang memeluk hidup monastik, sekali lagi ia berdoa dengan kata-kata yang sama. Ia mendengar suara yang berkata kepadanya: "Arsenius, pergilah segera ke dalam keheningan, beristirahatlah dalam doa: itulah akar hidup tidak berdosa."
Abbas Arsenius Agung
Source: Merton, Thomas. "The Wisdom of the Desert: Sayings from the Desert Fathers of Fourth Century." Translated by OCSO Gedono, 2006.

Kata-kata Bijak Para Bapa Padang Gurun [#11]

Kata-kata Bijak
Para Bapa Padang Gurun
dari Abad IV

Apophthegmata Patrum

     Abbas Antonius berkata: "Sebagaimana ikan akan segera mati jika tetap berada di atas tanah yang kering, demikian juga seorang rahib jika tinggal jauh dari selnya atau hidup bersama orang-orang duniawi, mereka akan kehilangan kebulatan hatinya untuk bertekun dalam doa sendirian. Untuk itu, sebagaimana ikan harus kembali ke laut, demikian juga rahib harus kembali ke dalam selnya. Kalau ia tetap tinggal di luar ia akan lupa menjaga hidup batinnya."

Abbas Antonius
Source: Merton, Thomas. "The Wisdom of the Desert: Sayings from the Desert Fathers of Fourth Century." Translated by OCSO Gedono, 2006.

Sabtu, 12 Maret 2016

The Imitation of Christ [#4]



The Fourth Chapter

Do not yield to every impulse and suggestion but consider things carefully and patiently in the light of God's will. For very often, sad to say, we are so weak that we believe and speak evil of others rather than good. Perfect men, however, do not readily believe every talebearer, because they know that human frailty is prone to evil and is likely to appear in speech.
   Not to act rashly or to cling obstinately to one's opinion, not to believe everything people say or to spread abroad the gossip one has heard, is great wisdom.
    Take counsel with a wise and conscientious man. Seek the advice of your betters in preference to following your own inclinations.
   A good life makes a man wise according to God and gives him experience in many things, for the more humble he is and the more subject to God, the wiser and the more at peace he will be in all things.

Source: A Kempis, Thomas. "The Imitation of Christ". Translated by Aloysius Croft and Harold Bolton. Dover Publications, Inc. 2003.

Kata-kata Bijak Para Bapa Padang Gurun [#10]

Kata-kata Bijak
Para Bapa Padang Gurun
dari Abad IV

Apophthegmata Patrum

     Seorang penatua berkata: "Jauhkan dari dirimu keyakinan yang gegabah, kekanglah lidah dan perutmu serta berpantanglah dari anggur. Dan jika seseorang berkata kepadamu tentang hal apa pun jangan membantahnya. Tetapi jika ia berkata sepantasnya, katakan: ya. Jika ia berkata keliru katakan kepadanya: Engkau tahu apa yang kaukatakan. Tetapi jangan berdebat dengannya tentang apa yang ia katakan itu. Dengan demikian pikiranmu akan damai."

Abbas Ishak dari Syria
Source: Merton, Thomas. "The Wisdom of the Desert: Sayings from the Desert Fathers of Fourth Century." Translated by OCSO Gedono, 2006.

Kata-kata Bijak Para Bapa Padang Gurun [#9]

Kata-kata Bijak
Para Bapa Padang Gurun
dari Abad IV

Apophthegmata Patrum

     Seorang penatua berkata: "Inilah pekerjaan rahib seumur hidup: taat, meditasi, tidak mengadili orang lain, tidak mencerca, tidak mengeluh. Karena ada tertulis: Kamu yang mencintai Tuhan, bencilah kejahatan. Maka inilah hidup rahib: tidak bersepakat dengan orang yang tidak adil, tidak melihat kejahatan dengan matanya, tidak memuaskan rasa ingin tahunya, tidak menyelidiki atau mendengarkan urusan orang lain. Tidak mengambil sesuatu pun yang bukan miliknya, tetapi suka memberi kepada orang lain. Tidak menjadi sombong dalam hatinya, tidak menjelekkan orang lain dalam pikirannya. Tidak mengisi perutnya sampai penuh, tetapi dalam segala hal bertindak dengan bijaksana. Sesungguhnya, dalam semuanya ini engkau adalah rahib."

Abbas Yosef dari Thebes
Source: Merton, Thomas. "The Wisdom of the Desert: Sayings from the Desert Fathers of Fourth Century." Translated by OCSO Gedono, 2006.

Minggu, 06 Maret 2016

The Imitation of Christ [#3]



The Third Chapter

Happy is he to whom truth manifests itself, not in signs and words that fade, but as it actually is. Our opinions, our senses often deceive us and we discern very little.
   What good is much discussion of involved and obscure matters when our ignorance of them will not be held against us on Judgment Day? Neglect of things which are profitable and necessary and undue concern with those which are irrelevant and harmful, are great folly.
    We have eyes and we do not see.
    What, therefore, have we to do with questions of philosophy? He to whom the Eternal Word speaks is free from theorizing. For from this Word are all things and of Him all things speak - the Beginning Who also speaks to us. Without this Word no man understands or judges aright. He to whom it becomes everything, who traces all things to it and who sees all things in it, may ease his heart and remain at peace with God.
   O God, You Who are the truth, make me one with You in love everlasting. I am often worried by the many things I hear and read, but in You is all that I long for. Let the learned be still, let all creatures be silent before You; do You alone speak to me.
   The more recollected a man is, and the more simple of heart he becomes, the easier he understands sublime things, for he receives the light of knowledge from above. The pure, simple, and steadfast spirit is not distracted by many labors, for he does them all for the honor of God. And since he enjoys interior peace he seeks no selfish end in anything. What, indeed, gives more trouble and affliction than uncontrolled desires of the heart?
   A good and devout man arranges in his mind the things he has to do, not according to the whims of evil inclination but according to the dictates of right reason. Who is forced to struggle more than he who tries to master himself? This ought to be our purpose, then: to conquer self, to become stronger each day, to advance in virtue.
   Every perfection in this life has some imperfection mixed with it and no learning of ours is without some darkness. Humble knowledge of self is a surer path to God than the ardent pursuit of learning. Not that learning is to be considered evil, or knowledge, which is good in itself and so ordained by God; but a clean conscience and virtuous life ought always to be preferred. Many often err and accomplish little or nothing because they try to become learned rather than to live well.
  If men used as much care in uprooting vices and implanting virtues as they do in discussing problems, there would not be so much evil and scandal in the world, or such laxity in religious organizations. On the day of judgment, surely, we shall not be asked what we have read but what we have done; not how well we have spoken but how well we have lived.
   Tell me, were now are all the masters and teachers whom you knew so well in life and who were famous for their learning? Others have already taken their places and I know not whether they ever think of their predecessors. During life they seemed to be something; now they are seldom remembered. How quickly the glory of the world passes away! If only their lives had kept pace with their learning, then their study and reading would have been worth while.
   How many there are who perish because of vain worldly knowledge and too little care for serving God. They became vain in their own conceits because they chose to be great rather than humble.
   He is truly great who has great charity. He is truly great who is little in his own eyes and makes nothing of the highest honor. He is truly wise who looks upon all earthly things as folly that he may gain Christ. He who does God's will and renounces his own is truly very learned.

Source: A Kempis, Thomas. "The Imitation of Christ". Translated by Aloysius Croft and Harold Bolton. Dover Publications, Inc. 2003.

Jumat, 04 Maret 2016

Kata-kata Bijak Para Bapa Padang Gurun [#8]

Kata-kata Bijak
Para Bapa Padang Gurun
dari Abad IV

Apophthegmata Patrum

     Suatu hari beberapa saudara keluar dari biara untuk mengunjungi beberapa pertapa yang hidup di padang gurun. Mereka datang pada seorang pertapa yang menerima mereka dengan gembira, dan ketika melihat bahwa mereka capai, maka ia mengundang mereka untuk makan sebelum waktunya dan menghidangkan semua yang dimilikinya. Tetapi pada malam hari ketika pergi tidur, pertapa itu mendengar percakapan di antara para senobit itu yang berkata: "Para pertapa eremit ini makan lebih banyak dari yang biasa kita makan di biara." Ketika fajar tiba, para tamu itu siap untuk mengunjungi pertapa lain dan ketika mereka akan pergi, tuan rumah itu berkata: "Sampaikan salamku kepada dia, dan berikan pesan ini kepadanya: 'Hati-hati, jangan memberi air pada sayur-sayuran'."
     Ketika mereka sampai ke pertapaan yang dituju, maka disampaikannya pesan tersebut, dan pertapa kedua ini mengerti apa maksud kata-kata itu. Maka ia mempersilakan para pengunjung itu duduk dan mengajaknya menganyam keranjang, ia pun duduk menemani mereka sambil bekerja terus tanpa berhenti. Pada sore hari ketika tiba waktunya untuk menyalakan lampu, ia menambahkan beberapa mazmur melebihi jumlah yang biasa didoakannya, sesudah itu ia berkata kepada mereka: "Di sini kami tidak biasa makan setiap hari, tetapi karena anda sekalian telah berjalan jauh, maka pantaslah untuk menghidangkan makan malam kecil sebagai gantinya." Kemudian ia memberi mereka roti kering dan garam, dan selanjutnya berkata: "Inilah suguhan istimewa bagi anda sekalian," lalu menambahkan sedikit saus cuka, garam dan minyak ke atas roti mereka. Sesudah makan malam, mereka bangkit kembali dan mulai bermazmur lagi dan terus berdoa sampai menjelang fajar. Pada saat itu pertapa itu berkata: "Baiklah, kita tidak dapat menyelesaikan doa kita yang biasa, mengingat anda sekalian lelah karena perjalanan. Lebih baik kalian beristirahat sebentar."
     Dan ketika pagi hari tiba, mereka semua ingin segera meninggalkan pertapa itu, tetapi ia tidak memperbolehkan mereka pergi. Ia tetap bertahan dengan kata-katanya: "Tinggallah bersamaku sebentar. Aku tidak dapat membiarkan kalian pergi begitu cepat, cinta kasih meminta agar aku menahan anda sekalian selama dua atau tiga hari." Mendengar kata-katanya itu, mereka berusaha menahan diri dan menunggu sampai gelap tiba, kemudian mereka melarikan diri di dalam kegelapan malam.

Abbas Arsenius dan Makarius
Source: Merton, Thomas. "The Wisdom of the Desert: Sayings from the Desert Fathers of Fourth Century." Translated by OCSO Gedono, 2006.